Take a fresh look at History

Obviously you come to Verdun for the history which unfolded here, which is known all round the World. The story of the Battlefield and the Poilus, feats of bravery and medal winners, trenches and cemeteries. Which you can see close up.
There is also the history you are unaware of. That tells of our world apart from the war stories, brimming with culture and traditions, forests and valleys, monuments and museums. It can surprise you on every street corner. Here at last is the hidden face of history. And it is all here for you to discover.
It will unfold during a school trip, or your summer holidays, on a cruise along the Meuse or during a safari among the orchids, at a son et lumière performance or a simple stroll through the trenches.
Of all these stories, some are written down in the existing programme, and others wait to be written. But all of them, without exception, will excite your emotions. And when it is time to leave, you will have just one last wish: to come back.
Because what ties you to Verdun, is not just the story of one day spent here.
Forget all you may have read in the history books. The story of Verdun, the real story, it’s here that you will discover it. Even better, you will sense it unfold beneath your feet. And because this story goes back some 30 centuries, spend several days taking it all in.
From Notre Dame Cathedral to the Saint Paul Gate, taking in the Princerie Museum and the Braquier Factory, each site has its story to relate. Our advice is to listen to them all, to take in the complete history.

We can organise educational programmes for school parties
Your grandfather or great-grandfather, your uncle or another member of your family fought at Verdun?
Would you like to find out his details?